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来源:  作者:   发布日期:2014-03-21 10:00:06
文章简介:  中国茶叶流通协会成立于1992年,是由茶叶行业生产、加工、经营、管理、科研、教学等领域的企业、事业单位、社会团体及个人联合组成的跨地区、跨部门、跨所有制的全国性社






the China Tea Marketing Association (CTMA) was found in 1992. It is a trans-regional, trans-department and trans-ownership national organization composed of enterprises, institutions, social groups and individuals in the tea production, processing, operation, management, research and teaching fields. It is under the guidance and supervision of the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China, and belongs to a 4A-class industry association.

The aim of the CTMA is to bring into play the intermediary function of tea industry and serve the tea business of China in the light of the requirements of the socialist market economy.

The CTMA mainly has the following functions: collecting, filing and passing on the economic and technological information in tea industry at home and abroad, analyzing and forecasting the market, and carrying out information exchanges and consulting service to provide the decision-making basis for the production and operation of enterprises; actively promoting technological progress and industrial management, organizing technological exchanges and demonstrations of product quality and technological projects, training the professional technology, skills and management personnel, sponsoring the contests of technical skills and recommending tea products to improve the technological and management level of tea industry; popularizing the tea knowledge, publicizing tea drinking value and carrying forward China's tea culture through exhibitions, seminars, performances of tea ceremony as well as making and printing and distributing of tea publicity materials; representing the members of the association to reflect new

situations and problems existed during the process of production and circulation and putting forward comments and suggestions in terms of formulation of industrial guidelines, policies, systems and regulations; assisting and undertaking some administrative functions entrusted by the government departments; coordinating the relations between members and that of interested parties within the industry, enhancing the horizontal links of the members, organizing commodity exchanges, broadening the tea products market, promoting the intra-industry cooperation and horizontal economic combination and bringing into play the advantages of the industry; strengthening exchange activities within the industry at home and abroad.

The largest authority of the CTMA is the membership representative conference, with the board of directors being its executive body. The permanent organization of the board is the secretariat.

In order to extensively and effectively provide services for enterprises, institutions and individuals of the tea industry, you are welcome to join the CTMA and make efforts to promote the development of the industry.

文章地址:https://www.cnjiucha.com/chayewang/61009.html 转载请保留链接地址





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