《经济学人》新开了一个专栏,名字叫Chaguan(茶馆),该专栏的负责人 David Rennie 在推特中介绍说:
①Within living memory his home town, the capital of Sichuan province, had boasted more than 600 teahouses, or chaguan. ②Some were famous for storytellers or opera. ③Others welcomed bird-lovers, who liked to suspend their pets in cages from teahouse eaves to show off their plumage and singing. ④Some served as rough-and-ready courtrooms for unlicensed lawyers (to "take discussion tea" was to seek mediation). ⑤One place might attract tattooed gangsters, another intellectuals.
①Within living memory / his home town, the capital of Sichuan province, had boasted more than 600 teahouses, or chaguan.
Within living memory 的意思是“在人们的印象中/记忆里”,这是一个非常好用的词组搭配,以后在表达过去的时间时,除了 in the past,想一想能不能用 within living memory.
boast 是一个非常地道的小词,其核心意思是 have“有”,一般指拥有美好的、引以为傲的事物,比如:
Wechat boasts well over 1bn users.
微信拥有10亿多用户。(用 well over 代替 far more than,使表达更酷一点。)
另外,enjoy 也有“have”的意思,比如在表示某物“有优势”时,除了 have an advantage,也可以说 enjoy an advantage.
②Some were famous for storytellers or opera. ③Others welcomed bird-lovers, who liked to suspend their pets in cages from teahouse eaves / to show off their plumage and singing.
suspend...from...表示“把...挂到...上”。Eaves是“屋檐”的意思,常用复数,补充一个eavesdrop,表示“偷听”。plumage 是“羽毛”的意思。
④Some served as rough-and-ready courtrooms for unlicensed lawyers (to "take discussion tea" was to seek mediation).
serve as...是一个很地道的表达,字面意思是“以...身份服务”,也就是“起到...的作用,当...使”的意思,比如:
The sofa could serve as a bed for a night or two.
rough-and-ready指“粗糙简单但能用的”;unlicensed 来自 license这个词,license表示“许可”,可作动词可作名词,unlicensed便是“未经许可的”意思。unlicensed lawyer 字面指“无证律师”,但考虑到中国特色的社会环境,应理解成当地头面人物。
seek mediation是“寻求调解”的意思。
那年月,时常有打群架的,但是总会有朋友出头给双方调解;三五十口子打手,经调人东西 说,便都喝碗茶,吃碗烂肉面,就可以化干戈为玉帛了。总之,这是当日非常重要的地方,有事无事都可以来坐半天。
“有事无事都可以来坐半天”在这篇《经济学人》中也出现了它的对应表达:or simply idle for a while
⑤One place might attract tattooed gangsters, another intellectuals.
tattooed 来自tattoo这个词,表示“有纹身的”。
another intellectuals 为了避免重复,中间省略了might attract:another might attract intellectuals.
Mr Thiel is moving to Los Angeles, which has a vibrant tech scene. Phoenix and Pittsburgh have become hubs for autonomous vehicles; New York for media startups; London for fintech; Shenzhen for hardware.
下划线部分省略了 has become hubs,省略后句子更加精简,而且不会引发歧义。
①Before Communism, Chengdu endured iron-fisted rule by the Nationalist regime of Chiang Kai-shek. ②Despots with a bossy, scoutmasterly streak, the Nationalists issued dozens of orders to stamp out bad teahouse habits. ③Managers were told to report clients spreading political rumours...④During the war with Japan, teahouses in Chengdu were ordered to display Nationalist flags, slogans and leaders’ portraits...
①Before Communism, Chengdu endured iron-fisted rule / by the Nationalist regime of Chiang Kai-shek.
①句交代了背景:国民党时期;特点:铁腕统治(iron-fisted)。Chiang Kai-shek指“蒋介石”;endure一词体现出茶馆艰难的生存环境。
②Despots with a bossy, scoutmasterly streak, the Nationalists issued dozens of orders to stamp out bad teahouse habits.
Despots 指“暴君”,是Nationalists 的同位语,with a bossy, scoutmasterly streak修饰Despots,意思是“有着专横跋扈特点的暴君”,streak此处作“性格特征”讲,常指不好的特征,比如 a mean streak 卑鄙的性格。
③Managers were told to report clients spreading political rumours.
spreading political rumours 是现在分词作后置定语,修饰clients,意思是:传播政治谣言的顾客。
client也可以用patron替换,patron是“老主顾、常客”的意思,我们刮奖时刮到的“谢谢惠顾”,英文就是:Thanks for your patronage.
④During the war with Japan, teahouses in Chengdu were ordered to display Nationalist flags, slogans and leaders’ portraits...
In their heyday, when some city streets might have boasted half a dozen, they were places to relax, do business, gossip and exchange ideas, both lowbrow and highfalutin.
In their heyday的意思是“在它们的鼎盛时期”,也可以说 in ones prime, in ones day.
to relax, do business, gossip and exchange ideas 彰显人世百态,有放松消遣的、有做生意的、有甩闲话的、还有交流看法的。
both lowbrow and highfalutin修饰ideas,lowbrow 指“市井的,粗俗的”,highfalutin指“装模作样的、浮夸的”:trying to be serious or important, but in a way that often appears silly and unnecessary.
exchange ideas both lowbrow and highfalutin的意思是,有的聊天充满市井味,有的装模作样地高谈阔论。
也可以简化一下:ideas both high and low.
①Teahouses are unlikely to boom again in Chengdu. ②Youngsters at Heming spoke of making time to "chill for the afternoon", as they are usually too busy. ③Tastes change. ④This writer was on a first China posting two decades ago when Starbucks opened its inaugural shop there, in Beijing. ⑤The chain plans to have 6,000 outlets in China by 2022, with one opening every 15 hours.
①Teahouses are unlikely to boom again in Chengdu.
unlikely to boom 读着就令人唏嘘,我们也可以尝试着换一种表达:fade, decline, on the wane.
②Youngsters at Heming spoke of making time to "chill for the afternoon", as they are usually too busy.
如果能在忙碌之中腾出半天时间,往茶馆一坐,喝上几杯茶,轻松安逸的度过一个下午,那便是再好不过了。然而,在愈加忙碌的今天,这已变得越来越奢侈,顶多在嘴边说说,过把嘴瘾(spoke of),而且,人们的口味也变了:Tastes change.
make time的意思是 to find time to do something or be with someone in spite of being busy “腾出时间”,比如:Its difficult to make time for my children. 我很难腾出时间来看孩子。
chill 在这里是熟词僻义,表示relax,比如:
We went home and chilled in front of the TV.
④This writer was on a first China posting two decades ago when Starbucks opened its inaugural shop there, in Beijing.
on a...posting 表示“被派驻到...”,比如:This ambassador is on a Paris posting. 这名大使被派驻到巴黎。
inaugural 是一个比较高级的词汇,它的意思是:first, and marking the beginning of sth important,inaugural shop 指“第一家商店”。
航天飞机的“首飞”,英文就是 inaugural flight,美国总统的“就职演说”叫 inaugural speech,“开幕仪式”“就职典礼”可以说 inauguration.
⑤The chain plans to have 6,000 outlets in China by 2022, with one opening every 15 hours.
the chain指的是“星巴克连锁店”,outlet 本义是“排水口,出口”的意思,比如 a sewage outlet 污水排放口,这里引申为“专营店”(商品的销售出口),相当于上文的shop。
20年前,星巴克刚开了一家inaugural shop,而2022年计划有6000家连锁店,每15小时就要增加一家。这和茶馆的没落形成了强烈的反差。